Request Method

The following assertions can be performed on request variable offered by the Touchstone Rules-Engine.

They would validate the request method. These assertions would make sense in Peer-to-Peer testing.

  • assertRequestMethodEquals(expectedValue)

    • Asserts that the method of the request matches the provided expectedValue

    • Example:

    • Equivalent to these:

      assertRequestMethodEquals("GET", request)
      // expected method and operator can be passed as parameters from test script.
      assertRequestMethod("GET", "equals", request)
      assert request.getMethod()=="GET": "The actual value \""+request.getMethod()+"\" did not
         match the expected value \"GET\" for HTTP method in request"
      assert equals("GET", request.getMethod()): "The actual value \""+request.getMethod()+"\"
         did not match the expected value \"GET\" for HTTP method in request"
  • assertRequestMethodNotEquals(expectedValue)

    • Asserts that the method of the request does not match the provided expectedValue

    • Example:

    • Equivalent to these:

      assertRequestMethodNotEquals("PUT", request)
      // expected method and operator can be passed as parameters from test script.
      assertRequestMethod("PUT", "notEquals", request)
      assert request.getMethod()!="PUT": "The actual value \""+request.getMethod()+"\" matched
         the expected value \"PUT\" for HTTP method with operator 'notEquals' in request"
      assert notEquals("PUT", request.getMethod()): "The actual value \""+request.getMethod()
         +"\" matched the expected value \"PUT\" for HTTP method with operator 'notEquals'
            in request"
  • assertRequestMethodIn(expectedValues)

    • Asserts that the method of the request is one of the provided expectedValues where each value is separated by a comma.

    • Example:

      request.assertRequestMethodIn("POST, PUT")
    • Equivalent to these:

      assertRequestMethodIn("POST, PUT", request)
      // expected method and operator can be passed as parameters from test script.
      assertRequestMethod("POST, PUT", "in", request)
      assert request.getMethod() in ["GET, PUT"]: "Expected one of the values in [GET, PUT] for
         HTTP method but encountered \""+request.getMethod()+"\" in request"
      assert isIn("GET, PUT", request.getMethod()): "Expected one of the values in [GET, PUT] for
         HTTP method but encountered \""+request.getMethod()+"\" in request"
  • assertRequestMethodNotIn(expectedValues)

    • Asserts that the method of the request is none of the provided expectedValues where each value is separated by a comma.

    • Example:

      request.assertRequestMethodNotIn("POST, PUT")
    • Equivalent to these:

      assertRequestMethodNotIn("POST, PUT", request)
      // expected method and operator can be passed as parameters from test script.
      assertRequestMethod("POST, PUT", "notIn", request)
      assert !(request.getMethod() in ["POST", "PUT"]): "Expected none of the values in [POST, PUT] for
         HTTP method but encountered \""+request.getMethod()+"\" with operator 'notIn' in request"
      assert isNotIn("POST, PUT", request.getMethod()): "Expected none of the values in [POST, PUT] for
         HTTP method but encountered \""+request.getMethod()+"\" with operator 'notIn' in request"