Touchstone FHIR Testing
2.0.0 - current International flag

Touchstone FHIR Testing v2.0.0. This is the current published version. For a full list of available versions, see the Directory of published versions

Artifacts Summary

This page provides a list of the FHIR artifacts defined as part of this implementation guide.

Structures: Resource Profiles

These define constraints on FHIR resources for systems conforming to this implementation guide.

AEGIS Touchstone Testing TestScript Profile

Defines constraints and extensions on the TestScript resource for use in the Touchstone Testing Platform.

Structures: Extension Definitions

These define constraints on FHIR data types for systems conforming to this implementation guide.

AEGIS Touchstone Testing TestScript Assert Rule Extension

Formal definitions of Touchstone TestScript assert rule extensions

AEGIS Touchstone Testing TestScript Assert Ruleset Extension

Formal definitions of Touchstone TestScript assert ruleset extensions

AEGIS Touchstone Testing TestScript Assert Stop Test On Error Extension

Formal definition of Touchstone TestScript assert stopTestOnFail extension

AEGIS Touchstone Testing TestScript Assert Variable Extension

Formal definition of Touchstone TestScript assert variable extension

AEGIS Touchstone Testing TestScript Dynamic Fixture Extension

Formal definitions of Touchstone TestScript dynamic-fixture extensions

AEGIS Touchstone Testing TestScript Operation AuthorizeInNewTab Extension

Formal definition of Touchstone TestScript operation authorizeInNewTab extension

AEGIS Touchstone Testing TestScript Operation Oauth2AuthzRedirectId Extension

Formal definition of Touchstone TestScript operation oauth2AuthzRedirectId extension

AEGIS Touchstone Testing TestScript Operation Oauth2AuthzRequestId Extension

Formal definition of Touchstone TestScript operation oauth2AuthzRequestId extension

AEGIS Touchstone Testing TestScript Operation pagesNext Extension

Touchstone TestScript operation testscript-operation-pagesNext extension for use within the TestScript.setup.action.operation and TestScript.test.action.operation elements. The testscript-operation-pagesNext extension defines additional behavior of the ‘history’ and ‘search’ operations. If present, the positive integer value defines the maximum number of search pages to auto retrieve and process. This extension is only valid when used with the ‘history’ and ‘search’ operations.

AEGIS Touchstone Testing TestScript Operation protocol Extension

Touchstone TestScript operation testscript-operation-protocol extension for use within the TestScript.setup.action.operation and TestScript.test.action.operation elements. The testscript-operation-protocol extension defines the message protocol to be used in sending or evaluating the sent operation request. If present, this protocol overrides the default protocol for the given operation.type code value. This extension is valid for all operations.

AEGIS Touchstone Testing TestScript Operation SmartLaunchRequestId Extension

Formal definition of Touchstone TestScript operation smartLaunchRequestId extension

AEGIS Touchstone Testing TestScript Rule Extension

Formal definitions of Touchstone TestScript rule extensions

AEGIS Touchstone Testing TestScript Ruleset Extension

Formal definitions of Touchstone TestScript ruleset extensions

AEGIS Touchstone Testing TestScript Test Manual Completion Extension

Formal definition of Touchstone TestScript test manualCompletion extension

AEGIS Touchstone Testing TestScript Variable ParamField Extension

Formal definitions of Touchstone TestScript variable paramField extensions

Terminology: Value Sets

These define sets of codes used by systems conforming to this implementation guide.

AEGIS Touchstone Testing TestScript Operation Protocol Codes ValueSet

The AEGIS Touchstone Testing TestScript Operation Protocol Codes ValueSet defines a set of codes that are used to override the default message protocol of the TestScript.setup.operation execution.

AEGIS Touchstone Testing TestScript Test Manual Completion Codes ValueSet

The AEGIS Touchstone Testing TestScript Test Manual Completion Codes ValueSet defines a set of codes that are used to override the default behavior of the TestScript.test execution.

AEGIS Touchstone Testing TestScript TestScript Operation Codes ValueSet

The AEGIS Touchstone Testing TestScript Operation Codes ValueSet defines a set of codes that are used to indicate the supported operations of a testing engine or tool.

AEGIS Touchstone Testing TestScript TestScript Profile Destination Types ValueSet

The AEGIS Touchstone Testing TestScript Profile Destination Types ValueSet defines a set of codes that are used to indicate the supported profile destination types of a testing engine or tool.

AEGIS Touchstone Testing TestScript TestScript Profile Origin Types ValueSet

The AEGIS Touchstone Testing TestScript Profile Origin Types ValueSet defines a set of codes that are used to indicate the supported profile origin types of a testing engine or tool.

Terminology: Code Systems

These define new code systems used by systems conforming to this implementation guide.

AEGIS Touchstone Testing CDS Hooks Operation Codes

This system defines a set of codes that extend support for CDS Hooks operations of a testing engine or tool.

AEGIS Touchstone Testing FHIR Operation Codes

This system defines a set of codes that extend the supported FHIR operations of a testing engine or tool.

AEGIS Touchstone Testing HL7 V2 Operation Codes

This system defines a set of codes that extend support for HL7 V2 operations of a testing engine or tool.

AEGIS Touchstone Testing HL7 V3 Operation Codes

This system defines a set of codes that extend support for HL7 V3 operations of a testing engine or tool.

AEGIS Touchstone Testing OAuth2 Operation Codes

This system defines a set of codes that extend support for OAuth2 operations of a testing engine or tool.

AEGIS Touchstone Testing SMART-On-FHIR Operation Codes

This system defines a set of codes that extend support for SMART-On-FHIR operations of a testing engine or tool.

AEGIS Touchstone Testing TestScript Operation Protocol Codes

This system defines a set of codes that override the default message protocol of the TestScript.setup.operation execution.

AEGIS Touchstone Testing TestScript Profile Destination Types

This system defines a set of codes that are used to indicate the extended supported profile destination types of a testing engine or tool.

AEGIS Touchstone Testing TestScript Profile Origin Types

This system defines a set of codes that are used to indicate the extended supported profile origin types of a testing engine or tool.

AEGIS Touchstone Testing TestScript Test Manual Completion Codes

This system defines a set of codes that override the default behavior of the TestScript.test execution.

Example: Example Instances

These are example instances that show what data produced and consumed by systems conforming with this implementation guide might look like.

TestScript EHR SMARTLaunch Example

TestScript EHR SMARTLaunch Example

TestScript HL7 V2 Message Exchange Example

Demonstrate an HL7 V2 message exchange using of the new TestScript operation.type code hl7v2

TestScript HL7 V3 Message Exchange Example

Demonstrate an HL7 V3 message exchange using of the new TestScript operation.type code hl7v3

TestScript NDJSON Assertion Prefix Example

TestScript NDJSON Assertion Prefix Example

TestScript OAuth2 Standalone Launch Example

TestScript OAuth2 Standalone Launch Example

TestScript Patient Create Dynamic Fixture JSON Syntax Example

TestScript Patient Create Dynamic Fixture JSON Syntax Example

TestScript Patient Read Not Found RuleSet With Param JSON Syntax Example

TestScript Patient Read Not Found RuleSet With Param JSON Syntax Example

TestScript Patient Read stopTestonFail JSON Syntax Example

TestScript Patient Read stopTestonFail JSON Syntax Example

TestScript Patient Read Summary Rule No Param JSON Syntax Example

TestScript Patient Read Summary Rule No Param JSON Syntax Example

TestScript Patient Read Summary Rule With Param JSON Syntax Example

TestScript Patient Read Summary Rule With Param JSON Syntax Example

TestScript Patient Read Versioning RuleSet JSON Syntax Example

TestScript Patient Read Versioning RuleSet JSON Syntax Example

TestScript Patient Search Pages JSON Syntax Example

TestScript Patient Search Pages JSON Syntax Example