Touchstone 6.2.0 has been released. See Release Notes for additional information.

Touchstone is an Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) and Testing as a Service (TaaS) Open Access Solution for health information exchange. Touchstone strives to live up to its dictionary definition - a criterion for determining the quality or genuineness of a thing - by offering thousands of tests in an easy-to-use system for determining a test system's conformance and interoperability against published specifications, standards, and profiles, including templates and implementation guides.

Touchstone ...


  • allows for automated, internet-based interoperability FHIR Testing against the HL7 FHIR specifications and standards.
  • tests interoperability with other FHIR Server and FHIR Client implementations.
  • has been engineered from the ground up to leverage the new FHIR TestScript resource.
  • is a blend between Test-Driven-Development (TDD) methodologies and Natural Language Processing (NLP) test scripts.
  • has been featured at HL7 FHIR Connectathons and is being leveraged in a continuous testing environment by numerous leading HL7 FHIR implementers.
  • plays an active role in the HL7 Conformance Testing community, the HL7 Argonaut Project, and the HSPC Implementation community.
Features include...
  • self-registration of user accounts and organizations.
  • ability for users to execute FHIR test scripts against test systems with Touchstone serving as the initiator of message exchanges.
  • ability for users to initiate message exchanges from their test systems against other peer test systems with Touchstone FHIR testing tool serving as the intermediary.
  • ability to drill down to individual operations and assertions in test execution results during FHIR Testing.
  • ability to save configured sets of test scripts as named "test setups" for re-execution.
  • controlled access to test scripts, test systems, and test results at the user, organization, and organization group levels.
Touchstone Updates
  • TestScript Release NEW Jul 14, 2024
    • Da Vinci PDEX TestScripts added for 2.1.0 including Bulk Data.
  • TestScript Release Jul 8, 2024
    • Da Vinci CDEX TestScripts fixtures and asserts for updated 2.1.0 additions and changes.
    • Da Vinci PDEX TestScripts updated to include better visual clarifications for testers.
    • Da Vinci DTR TestScripts updated to correct the $questionnaire-package operation testscript.
  • TestScript Release May 16, 2024
    • Da Vinci Prior Authorization Support (PAS) TestScripts updated to include additional TestScripts for CDEX Attachments Request and Submit for PAS Request for Additional Information.
    • Da Vinci Patient Cost Transparency (PCT) TestScripts, added TestScripts to align with STU2 content.
  • TestScript Release May 10, 2024
    • Da Vinci DTR TestScripts updated to include additional TestScripts for DTR 2.0.1 IG.
    • Da Vinci PDEX TestScripts added for member matching as described in the PDEX 2.1.0 CI Build of the IG.
    • FAST Infrastructure track TestScripts for HL7 Connectathon 36: Scenario 1 Step E Bonus Insufficient Demographics
    • Updated and published the Connectation 36 track TestScripts. They can be found at FHIR4-0-1-Connectathon36 in Test Definitions.
  • TestScript Release Apr 26, 2024
    • Da Vinci CDEX TestScripts corrected test fixtures.
    • Da Vinci CRD TestScripts updated to include response asserts aligning to CRD 2.0.1 IG.
    • FHIR 1-0-2 Basic TestScripts updated fixtures to comply with latest enhanced validator logic.
    • FHIR 3-0-2 Basic TestScripts updated fixtures to comply with latest enhanced validator logic.
    • FHIR 4-0-1 Connectathon 35 TestScripts updated fixtures and FHIRPath asserts to comply with latest enhanced validator logic.
    • FHIR 4-0-1 Connectathon 35 TestScripts removed duplicative asserts in Connectathon Patient testscripts.
  • TestScript Release Feb 9, 2024
    • Patient Access API Certification Tests for Clinical Data, corrected asserts in MedicationRequest testscript for history interactions to be set to warning level.
    • Patient Access API Certification Tests for Clinical Data, corrected a typo in the MedicationRequest testscripts.
    • Da Vinci PCT TestScripts corrected test fixtures for use with updated IG profiles.
    • Da Vinci HREX TestScripts version 0.2.0 marked Inactive as the functionality is out of date.
    • Da Vinci Notifications TestScripts, updated test fixtures to match current IG profiles.
    • Da Vinci HREX IG Package, updated to current version 1.0.0.
    • Da Vinci IG Suites, updated several to inactivate older versions and activate newer versions to align with recent IG publications.
    • CARIN BlueButton TestScripts corrected CapabilityStatement tests to remove authorization.
  • Touchstone 6.2.1 Released Jan 23, 2024
    • For a list of Enhancements and Bug Fixes, please visit the Release Notes page in our Touchstone Docs
  • TestScript Release Jan 12, 2024
    • Updated and published the Connectation 35 track testscripts. They can be found at FHIR4-0-1-Connectathon35 in Test Definitions
    • Da Vinci PAS Capability TestScripts, updated to account for more than one SupportedProfile
    • Da Vinci PAS Subscriptions TestScripts, updated to fix the canonical url for Subscription Topic in fixtures
    • Da Vinci PAS IG package updated
    • FAST Security TestScripts added to Verify UDAP client registration with a server request and response conformity, test RS256 full workflow, JWT additional key field validation
  • TestScript Release Jan 5, 2024
    • Da Vinci CDEX TestScripts corrected descriptions
    • Da Vinci CRD TestScript, updated to include CRD IG version numbering in test folder structure
    • FAST Security TestScripts added to Verify UDAP metadata is conformant, test Client discovers UDAP metadata from server's well-known endpoint
  • Touchstone 6.2.0 Released Dec 18, 2023
    • For a list of Enhancements and Bug Fixes, please visit the Release Notes page in our Touchstone Docs